Participate as an athlete

Would you like to participate as an athlete? Then register via the registration form below. We will provide all practical information including accommodation options and all facilities to make your participation as comfortable as possible. See here already first information about the program, the venue and travel advise.


Costs for your participation:

  • Individual participant: 15 Euro per athlete (including T-shirt, water, coffee, thee, snacks, lunch and dinner on the 5th of April)

  • Participating as a club: 50 Euro per club (up to 5 athletes) (including T-shirt, water, coffee, thee, snacks, lunch and dinner on the 5th of April)



DD slash MM slash YYYY
Select which disciplines you will join

For more info as an athlete, contact Christophe Uyttersprot at

From the organization, the necessary is done to facilitate your hotel bookings, provided catering and all medical supervision.